Tourist guide with young customer

Tourist guide with young customer

In the palace of the Rezzonico familiy

In the palace of the Rezzonico familiy

Tourist guide Isabel Kunz -Saponaro

Tourist guide Isabel Kunz- Saponaro


CV Dr. Susanne Kunz-Saponaro
CV Isabel Kunz- Saponaro


After completing her studies in German, Italian and Pedagogy (Sec. II) at the University of Münster/Germany, Susanne moved to Rome for her dissertation in art history about a painter of the early Italian Renaissance.

It was then that she started working as a study tour guide for the German company “Studiosus-Reisen”, for which she managed trips to Spain, France and Italy for several months each year.

Back in Germany, she taught courses in art and cultural history as well as languages ​​at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and the Münster Academy (HBZ), so her field of activity shifted to teaching in the following years, especially to teaching contemporary art.

At the same time, the Artemis publishing company commissioned her to write a volume about Catalonia - with Barcelona and the Costa Brava, which was published in 1992 for the Barcelona Olympics. In 1995, Her monograph about the artist Gerolamo di Giovanni da Camerino, a painter of the early Italian Renaissance, was published in 1995. In September 2008, a new volume of Rome and its artists was published, which she  wrote on behalf of the Scientific Book Community.

A few years ago, Susanne and her family moved back to Italy and now lives in Venice, where she qualified as an official licensed tourist guide in 2006.

Since 2018, she has been offering her tours together with her daughter  Isabel Kunz -Saponaro, who is a tourism manager and designer (Master Degree of the University of Padua) and a tourist guide recognized by the Italian state.


Their tours  are always tailored to the interests of their visitors - in other words, we don't bombard anyone with historical dates and in-depth picture explanations, if they would rather hear about Venice's garbage disposal or take a look at a private Venetian palace. The most important sights in Venice can be explored in one day or - if you have the time and interest- over several days.

Their tours are run by real locals.